I have been experimenting with Metarons key, tying the sacred geometry with a connection of hearts mine to the planet then to the Sun’s heart.the change I added was to go to the sirius star system and then on to the galactic core. Here again I have added the galactic core of the Andromeda galaxy, then onto the universal core or heart.

I find when I do this I can channel as much healing energy into mother earth as when I am doing a sun salutation and I channel the suns love directly through my body otherwise known as sunbathing.

I want you to know that I do this freely for the healing of the planet but this includes you I also focus on people that have requested healing. You can be added to the list for this very powerful healing that I will be doing everyday now. I am really glad to offer this service.

Except for the Reiki part any of you can of course do this yourself. It is a fairly simple meditation using sacred geometry and connecting your heart and mind which you can do by touching over your heart while meditating on making the connection soon you will feel your conscious down there. The next part is to connect to the planetary crystal core this is also known as grounding. Another tip is to once you have gotten this deep into this meditation you should make a gesture with your fingers like pinching the foefind and thumb together. This will anchor your consciousness back to this state once you enter the alpha meditation. I have written before on the shapes I use with these meditations connecting to the heart of thes star and galaxy.